Friday, March 16, 2012


Most countries gained their independence through bloody wars. Afghanistan is an extreme instance of bloody wars battled for independence. Britain did not colonize Afghanistan; rather they controlled the country like a puppet. The Afghans revolted against British control several times, undergoing a first, second and third Afghan War to gain their independence. The Haitian Revolution is a better-known example of blood lost for freedom. In this revolution, half a million Haitian slaves revolted against the French to prove that all men were created equally. The Haitian Revolution led to Haiti’s independence on January 1st of 1804.

1 comment:

  1. I find it very interesting that they used the country as their own personal puppet. The control that the British issued over the Afgans is unbelievable, but I also think it is surprising that they could keep them under their control for so long. Even through all the revolutions and fighs against the british, they could not shake the universal control.
